Saturday, January 2, 2010


     This year is going to be crucial in the rest of my life. I have so many decisions to make, so many roads to travel, and so many goals to be accomplished. My actions in the months to come will either be my true beginning, or the beginning of the end.
     I have lost my way over the last few years. I have kept dreams only close enough to realize, but always far enough away to never reach them. I have allowed my compassion and love for those around me to cloud my judgement and made some choices that weren't necessarily wrong, but certainly weren't right.
     Maybe it's soul-searching I need. I have some sort of inner turmoil I have acknowledged for years, but never addressed specifically, and like sweeping dust under the rug, no one else sees it, but I know it's there. So there it lies in wait, emitting it's own energy and gravitational pull, dragging others with cleverly camouflaged injuries into my presence. They have revealed themselves as partners, friends, acquaintances, or even a stranger at a bar. And try as I might, I can never fix them. I have such a desire to help other people and show them the light in their own eyes, but I can't see mine anymore.
     My heart needs cleansing. My soul needs refreshed. My mind needs peace. My body needs rest. I need to find my 'reset' button. That's what I intend to accomplish this year, a fresh start. Where will that take me? I have absolutely no idea. But I'm overdue for a good road trip, anyway.